"My art is about existentialism, drama, when a human being is isolated from the outer world."

Lilith Yeghiazaryan

Born in Yerevan, Armenia, Lilit Yeghiazaryan is a dedicated artist who continually explores new avenues for artistic expression. Her sculptures are a testament to unconventional ideas, reflecting her lifelong commitment to art. Lilit’s passion lies in capturing the essence of transformations, both external and internal. “We constantly live amidst transformations. It’s vital to consistently revise our perspectives,” she emphasizes.

The allure of Lilit Yeghiazaryan’s works lies in their ability to convey profound narratives without excessive description. Her art embodies existentialism and drama, often portraying individuals isolated from their external surroundings. It’s a rebellion against the mundane, a protest that breathes life into the gray. Born in 1996 into a family of artists, Lilit’s creative foundation was solidified during her years of study at the Panos Terlemezyan State College of Fine Arts from 2014 to 2019, where she focused on painting.

Lilit’s art thrives on metamorphosis, where paradoxical forms find harmony. Her compositions skillfully blend contrasting elements of the natural world, capturing the nuances that surface when consciousness is freed from the subconscious. This is the very moment of revelation—a birth of the essential. Is it an evasion of realism or an attempt to come as close to it as possible? Her artwork provides the answers.

What sets her art apart is its biological vision—a perspective that distinguishes her work. It’s a philosophical perception of phylogenesis mirrored in ontogenesis—a surreal beginning in nature and its continuation in art. Her pieces are marked by weighty artistic hues, color harmonies, and at the same time, vivid color contrasts that evoke a unique creative atmosphere.

Lilit’s journey through art is characterized by an unceasing search for new techniques. Her sculptures are a testament to unconventional ideas, showcasing a modern approach. Her use of materials is both unique and innovative—transforming simple metal into art. At first glance, it appears strange and yet undeniably unique.

Lilit Eghiazaryan’s art is an ever-evolving exploration, a journey that defies convention and seeks the extraordinary in the ordinary. Her creations transcend boundaries, inviting viewers to embrace the complexity of transformation and the boundless possibilities of artistic expression.

Available Artworks by Lilith Yeghiazaryan